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Roccantica is a pedestrian village of medieval origin that rises above the hills of Sabina, famous for the extensive olive groves that ting the landscape of a silvery green. The town is surrounded by walls dating to the Middle Ages, and its history is as intact as its architecture today. The community is still as lively as the annual festivals that made it famous. The village was born to defend itself from the advance of the Saracens (864) surrounded by walls and modifies the toponomy which until then was "Fundo" in "Rocca" = ROCCHA DE ANTIQUE. The struggle for the papacy between Benedict X and Niccolò II marks a turning point for the Rock, which is deployed with the latter. He succumbs to the assault of the Benedict Crescenti supporters, but is freed, not unknowingly, by Roberto d'Altavilla, ally of Niccolò II. This Pope rewards the only 12 "rococo" survivors who have survived the Rocca.

roccantica le cucinedel borgo
roccantica le cucine del borgo

This event is so important for the country's history that is recalled annually by a re-enactment: the Middle Ages in celebration. The privileges granted by Niccolò II and repeated by many other popes such as Innocent IV, Gregory XI, Martino V, Pius V, benefit from the "Rocca de Antiquo" over the centuries of so many exemptions, immunities and franchises, such as non-punishable by rock raids on the territory of Montasula in 1379 or the release from payment of taxes to the Roman Senate. From the 12th century until the end of the 13th century, the valentine church governs much of the territory despite attempts by other neighboring gentlemen.

After several emigrants, the Roccoliers are able to prevail and obtain from the Rector of the Sabina, Roberto di Albarupe a sum of written laws (Statute). The latter is granted on May 26, 1326. On 16/8/1427, Armellao de Batonis becomes a castellano and governor of Roccantica. On 16/9/14 Pope John XXIII (Baldassarre Cossa, then antipapa) grants the village and territory in vicariate and rectory to Francesco Orsini. The Orsins have possession (by line of masculine) until the death of Flavio (8/4/1698), last of the Orsini of that branch. He broke up the masculine branch of the Orsini, Roccantica returns under the jurisdiction of the Apostolic Chamber. The widow of Flavio, A. Maria de la Tremouille-Normoutier, appealed in 1705, when Pope Clement XI recaptured the possession of Roccantica until his death on 7/12/1722. Roccantica definitively returns under the jurisdiction of the Apostolic House, following the fate of the Pontifical State until Plebiscito (4/5 November 1860), which sanctions the entry of the small country into the Italian State with 171 members and 152 voters and the result of 152 "SI "no" NO "and 19 abstained.

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